Education through experience 2011-2021 ten years of professional education
Delivered by professionals
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Delivered by professionals
Basic assistance through to medical interventions
Safety Training courses
Teaching and assessing courses
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For staff and students
This knowledge-only qualification can be taken by learners preparing to enter employment or by those who are already in employment and wish to develop their knowledge of mental health and wellbeing.
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Our drive is to always deliver cost effective professional training tailored to suit the needs of the client, either in their places of work or at our purpose designed training room.
With years of experience, our Teaching Staff come with real world experience in the use of all the skills they then train others in.
All staff hold teaching qualifications including assessing and Internal Quality Assurance qualifications to ensure the standards of each and every course meet and exceed national standards.
All our staff have used their many skills in saving lives over the years , with recorded incidents of direct resuscitation using the same skills that are taught. our passion is behind each and every session delivered.
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